Mormons: Investing in Parenthood

Mormons: Investing in Parenthood

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (a faith often inadvertently referred to as the Mormon church) are subject to many stereotypes. One of the biggest assumptions about Mormons is that they have large families. Many Mormon parents have seven, eight, even ten children, sometimes more. While having large families isn’t part of Mormon dogma, bearing and raising children is. In a statement issued by the late church president Gordon B. Hinckley in 1995, he states, “The family is central to to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children. . . . God’s commandment for His children to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force” (“The Family: A Proclamation to the World”).

Apart from this dramatic statement, church leadership leaves family planning to the discretion of each individual family unit. The fact that Mormons are known for their families is significant: Mormons value children and investing in parenthood.[1]

Families Are Forever

When you come to the Temple you will love your family with deeper love than you have ever felt before, the temple is about families - Richard H. WinkelOne of the key doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ centers on the family. Mormons believe that sacred ordinances performed in the temple can ensure eternal families. Mormon men and women are encouraged to prepare themselves for the temple, which isn’t open to the general public as the chapel meetinghouses are. Temples are reserved for sacred ordinances that prepare us for the eternities. One of the most significant ceremonies performed in temples is the sealing ceremony. A sealing is the term Mormons use for a temple wedding. These ordinances are different from civil weddings because the officiants’ authority does not extend through just this life. Men and women sealed together are married for time and all eternity. No civil officiant has the power to extend a marriage beyond death. Eternal marriage is unique to The Church of Jesus Christ and essential for eternal families. (more…)

Those Greek Geeks at BYU

Those Greek Geeks at BYU

Languages like ancient Greek and Latin are dead, right? No one actually speaks them anymore. That may be true, but in the world of academia, the study of those languages is alive and well. Humanities students of Brigham Young University, an institution owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (a faith often inadvertently referred to as the Mormon church), have taken the study of classic languages seriously and have made an impression in national competitions.[1]

BYU Students Rank Highly in Competition

Seek knowledge by study and also by faith - D&C 88:118In the National College Greek Exam, six BYU students ranked in the top 20 of contestants. BYU has always brought impressive competitors, and this year those students raised the bar even further. The National College Greek Exam is a test of 40 questions that students have 50 minutes to answer. Questions cover Greek grammar and translation. Two BYU students tied for second place, and four others placed in the top 20. (more…)

175 Years of Mormonism in the UK to be Celebrated

175 Years of Mormonism in the UK to be Celebrated

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often inadvertently referred to as the Mormon church) has a history that spans the entire world. The Church of Jesus Christ was restored in America by Joseph Smith in 1830. After the restoration, The Church of Jesus Christ sent missionaries all over the world. One of the first places Mormon missionaries travelled was to the British Isles. The United Kingdom is coming up on the 175th anniversary of Mormonism’s presence, and the Saints in the country are planning a grand celebration. [1]

Pageants Are a Big Part of Mormon Culture

In the United States, Mormons produce pageants all throughout the summer months commemorating scriptural accounts and church history events. Several pageants are produced in Utah, with several others taking place in Palmyra, New York; Nauvoo, Illinois; and Mesa, Arizona. In America, pageants are a big part of Mormon culture.

The Chorley Pageant

175 Years of Mormonism in UKThe Saints in the United Kingdom thought that producing their own pageant would be a fitting way to commemorate the 175 years of the presence of the gospel of Jesus Christ in the British Isles. The focus of the UK pageant will be the church’s history in their own country. This presentation will include telling the stories of the first Mormon missionaries to proselytize in England, who arrived in 1837. The storytelling will take place through both acting and musical performances. The event will also hold pre-show activities for everyone, like period dancing with costumes and games. (more…)

LDS Views: 8 Favorite Places I Love to Visit as a Mormon Woman

I am a Mormon woman. That means that I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (a faith often inadvertently referred to as the Mormon church). I’ve been a Mormon my whole life, and now that I’m an adult, I find even more joy and fulfillment in my faith in Jesus Christ. The role of women in The Church of Jesus Christ is often misunderstood, so I’d like to give you an opportunity to get to know a Mormon woman better. Not only are Mormon women equal to men, but we have specific and important roles in our families, church congregations, and communities. I’ve compiled a list of my eight favorite places to be as a Mormon woman. I think you’ll find that I’m not so different from you.

1. The park

I love to visit the park. Especially when the weather cooperates, I love to take my son outside and let him play. I often meet up with friends and their children. This socializing is welcome, because while I certainly love being a stay-at-home mom, sometimes I crave some quality conversation with adults. Occasionally, though, I take a walk through the park by myself. This allows me to take in the beauty of God’s creations and express gratitude for the beautiful world I live in. (more…)

Mormon Message: The Christian Commandments of Abstinence and Virtue

Mormon Message: The Christian Commandments of Abstinence and Virtue

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, often inadvertently called the “Mormon Church,” advocates abstinence and virtue as basic principles of a moral life. To comprehend why Latter-day Saints (“Mormons”) willingly save sexual relations for marriage, one must understand eternal truths.

Why Choose Abstinence and Virtue?

Food buffet with a quote about picking and choosing commandments from Whitney Clayton.One of life’s great questions is, “Where did we come from”?  Mormons believe that mankind existed before this lifetime in the presence of God as His children. “All human beings—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and … has a divine nature and destiny” (The Family: A Proclamation to the World).

Instead of physical bodies, each soul lived as a spirit. God the Eternal Father prepared this earth for His children to receive a body, experience mortality, and hopefully choose to return to live with Him again. He chose His Son Jesus Christ to be the Savior and Redeemer of the world, for He knew mankind would sin and need a way to repent and return to Him. Part of Heavenly Father’s plan of salvation and happiness includes life after death. A soul determines its eternal destination based on life choices, which includes correctly accepting Jesus Christ’s Grace and Atonement. (more…)

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