Alex Boyé was born in England to Nigerian parents. When he was 11 years old, his mother told him that she was returning to Nigeria for three weeks. In his “I’m A Mormon” video, he remarks that three weeks turned into eight years. Subsequently, he was raised by foster parents in England who eventually kicked him out at the age of 16, leaving him homeless and aimlessly wandering the streets of London.
In an LDS interview, Alex recalls, “The only help I got was when I opened up and said ‘Heavenly Father, I can’t do this on my own.’” It was during those desperate hours of seeking help and guidance that he was introduced to the gospel and baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He would later serve a two-year full-time mission in the England Bristol Mission.
However, even though he had embraced the gospel and had a music career that was beginning to take off, Alex still felt alone and abandoned by his family. On an “Hour of Power” broadcast, Alex recalled, “It was tough. I had a lot of despair and depression. I felt like all the people I had loved rejected me in some way. It wasn’t until years later that I learned the reason my mom left, and then I cried.” As a young boy, Alex did not fully understand the sacrifices that his mother made to eke out a meager living. She worked three jobs, including walking the tracks of the underground “with all the rats and everything” picking up trash from 9 pm until 3 am.
In speaking about how he learned to love as Christ loves each of us, and how that love helped him to forgive and love his mother, he remarked:
I look at Jesus Christ, the trials that he went through, and here I am complaining about mine. What we realize is that God’s version of good is different than ours. You must go through it; you know what I mean? We’re just like, ‘Just give me ice cream, that’s good,’ but I tell you I am grateful for those trials. I am grateful for those times when I was 16 walking the streets of London eating from the trash. I’m grateful for all those experiences [be]cause sometimes when I meet friends or people who are about to give up and I’m like, ‘Let me tell you man, all this that you are going through right now, you are going to use it to bless other people.’ Sometimes it’s not for you.”
Even though it seemed that his mother had abandoned him, she never forgot about the son whom she loved. She was eventually able to put him in a boarding school and sent money to support him.
The gospel has helped Alex and his mother grow closer, and on Saturday, 9 October 2016, he was blessed to baptize his mother a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in London. He posted about the experience on his Facebook page stating, “So I baptized my mum in London today…Have been waiting for this moment for over 20 yrs. Cried like a baby. BEST. DAY. EVER!!!!”
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This article was originally posted on Mormon
Over two millenniums have passed since the Wise Men of old traveled from afar asking an important and profound question. It is a question that has proven timeless throughout the ages as many people have asked the same question – “Where is he that is born King of the Jews?” (Matthew 2:2).
Following the star that they had seen in the east, they were eventually led to where the Christ child lay. Upon their arrival, they presented the new-born baby with precious gifts of frankincense, gold, and myrrh.
Have you ever wondered why scriptures do not tell us how many wise men there were who presented the gifts, or why their names and identities are not revealed to us? Perhaps the reason is because they were not the ones upon whom we should place our focus. The One upon whom our focus should be centered is Christ the Lord – He who was born King. He alone is worthy of all praise and adoration, and like the Wise Men of old, we bow in His presence and worship Him.
As we prepare to gather with family and friends to celebrate this joyous Christmas season, perhaps we should place all our hustle and bustle on pause for a moment, and ponder the question that was asked of old, “Where is He?” Among all the commercialism, parties, brightly colored lights, beautiful decorations, and the gifts that we might receive on Christmas morning, “Where is He?”
What is it that we focus on the most as we celebrate and reflect upon the Christmas season? Is it the merriment that the season brings that fills our hearts with joy and delight for a few brief moments of time, or are our hearts and minds focused on the One whose name is Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace? He is the greatest gift ever given to humanity by a loving Heavenly Father. A choice Gift that was wrapped in Divine love and sealed with an Eternal Promise that He who is both the Light and the Life of the world had come to be the Savior of the World.
The Wise Men came to worship the Christ child. Who is it or what is it that we worship? The wise men presented the new-born King with precious gifts from their treasures. What would we give to Him who is the King of kings, and the Lord of lords? Would we give Him those things that matter least to us and seemingly have no real value, or would we open our treasures – our hearts and our minds, and give Him our very best?
The video playlist below is a presentation of Christmas videos which we hope will help those who watch to focus on the real reason we celebrate Christmas. We would like to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a blessed Christmas season that is filled with love, peace, and joy.
It’s January, and the internet is swimming in articles and blog posts about resolutions, goals, and change. These resolutions are often pretty standard: get in shape, save money, find a new job, try something new. Those goals aren’t bad, and if you’re committed to them, can actually be really good for you, but they aren’t the only ones you should consider as you dive into the new year. When you sit down to make goals for the new year, think about what you want to be and not just about what you want to do. Here are some ideas for resolutions you can make that will bring you closer to the Savior.
1. Seek out someone in need
Seeking out those in need can mean assisting the homeless, or stopping for that friend who needs someone to talk to. Resolve to be more aware of those around you and more attuned to the ways you can serve. Throughout Christ’s ministry, He was constantly aware of those who needed help, and He always served where He was needed. This year, let’s make a goal of being where we need to be and acting on those generous thoughts that cross our minds. Let’s serve in that wonderful way that the Savior did.
I remember being surprised when an acquaintance securely and serenely spoke these five words to me, “I’m not afraid to die.” “Really?” I asked.
A lot has changed since that day 35-ish years ago. Spiritually, I was not then awake. My eyes were still closed, not yet supernaturally opened by God. In other words, that incident predated my coming to really know personally of the Savior Jesus Christ’s love, ministry, Atonement, Resurrection, and Plan of Redemption for each of us, as taught in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
An August day in 1980, things changed, preceded by a 25-year search for truth.I’m no longer afraid to die but look forward to seeing the Savior and the Father, and loved ones again. Death is but a doorway. Heaven is real.
When I first opened the New Testament, parched for light about life’s meaning and for knowledge of the real character of God and His Son, I was overcome. Overcome by the fact that Jesus died for me literally, that He died for me spiritually. He had saved my life physically just days before, intervening in a thought pattern that was moving me to take my life. I didn’t proceed with my desperate plan because of unmistakable impressions that appeared on the screen of my soul. When He speaks, we don’t doubt it. We might not know it’s Him at first but ultimately we do; we at least know we’ve been hit by the sweet sword of truth as I was then. (The Spirit, an agent of truth, testifies of and ratifies truth. We’ve lost trust in this possibility in our culture. I affirm it. You can know for yourself that Jesus died, atoned for your sins, and was literally resurrected). (more…)