by ashley | Nov 7, 2012 | Mormons in the News
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (mistakenly called the “Mormon Church”) has a world famous choir, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, that just launched their own YouTube channel! This is exciting for Mormon members, and friends of other faiths alike—bringing the beautiful music to the world, in a much greater capacity.
The announcement of this historic event for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir took place in the Conference Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, and was streamed live for their 250,000 Facebook fans in a multimedia presentation where high school and college choral students attended. (more…)
by Keith L. Brown | May 23, 2012 | Do Mormons Celebrate Holidays?
Do Mormons Celebrate Memorial Day? Yes, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (inadvertently called the “Morman Church” by others) celebrate local and national holidays. Mormon families (in the United States of America) celebrate Memorial Day, which commemorates and honors all American soldiers, especially those who have given their lives in war. It is also a day to honor the deceased, whether they have been soldiers or not.
Mormon families celebrate Memorial Day in their own way and have their own traditions. Many LDS families enjoy the time off of work. Some Mormon families may reflect upon their religious freedom, visit graves of their ancestors or loved ones, or write letters to soldiers. Youth worldwide have volunteered in activities in preparation for the Memorial Day holiday. Examples include weeding the cemetery (Jeanette Waite Bennett, Service of Sorts, New Era, February 1996) and mapping the “planned roads and sections for the cemetery, so unmarked graves would not be disturbed” (FYI: For Your Information, New Era, July 1982). (more…)
by brady | Jan 17, 2012 | About Mormons, Mormons in the News
We have all heard the statement “proof is in the pudding.” In a recent survey by the Pew Research Center Forum on Religion & Public Life, ‘Mormons in America,’ many great topics were addressed and a better understanding gained of what Mormons think about those topics. The Deseret News has taken a look at this research and has created a five part series discussing different aspects of the survey. In their piece “New Pew survey reinforces Mormon’s top goals of family, marriage” they take a deeper dive into the findings surrounding these critical beliefs of those who are Mormon.
The article references a very important statistic that was found through the Pew survey, “81 percent of Mormons say being a good parent is ‘one of the most important things in life.’” I guess from one perspective you could ask the question, based on what Mormons are taught about the role and importance of families, why this number is not 100%… but 81 is a good number. There are probably a number of reasons that number is not higher which may lead to some good follow-up research. (more…)
by brady | Jan 13, 2012 | About Mormons, Mormons in the News
SMITHFIELD — After dinner, three baths, four bedtime stories and a half-a-dozen goodnight kisses for 2-year-old twins Brock and Isaac and 6-year-old Ellie, Erin and Brian Thompson finally sink into the couch with weary smiles.
Being parents is just what they always wanted. And they love it.
“Of course we have our crazy moments,” Thompson says, “but for the most part we just try to find the good things in the day and remember that they’re only going to be little for so long.”
As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Thompsons believe that maintaining a strong marriage and raising and teaching children are essential keys to happiness and their most important responsibilities on earth. (more…)
by brady | Nov 14, 2011 | About Mormons, Mormon Reflections
Tiffany Sowby is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (“Mormon” woman) mother of five. She tries to find humor, joy and contentment in the little things life has to offer.
From as young as I can remember, I wanted nothing more than to grow up and become a mother. I was the youngest child until I was eight years old and finally after years of
‘playing house’ with baby dolls I was able to put them down and play with a real baby, a baby brother. A couple of years later another baby brother was added. I loved ‘playing house’ with real, live babies! It made my dream of becoming a mother even more real and more personal. I couldn’t wait to one day have a sick child want only me to hold them, or to be cooking in the kitchen and have a baby or toddler cry at my legs to be held, like my brothers did to my mother.
Now five children and thirty or so years later, I have had my fair share of sick children wanting to be held by only me. And I have certainly had more than my fair share of crying toddlers and children crying underfoot while I have attempted to fix a meal. These experiences are far from the dreamy way I envisioned them as a young girl. I can admit I have days I wonder why exactly I chose this path for my life. I can’t help but wonder sometimes how much easier a different career-choice may have been. (more…)