LDS Views: 8 Favorite Places I Love to Visit as a Mormon Woman

I am a Mormon woman. That means that I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (a faith often inadvertently referred to as the Mormon church). I’ve been a Mormon my whole life, and now that I’m an adult, I find even more joy and fulfillment in my faith in Jesus Christ. The role of women in The Church of Jesus Christ is often misunderstood, so I’d like to give you an opportunity to get to know a Mormon woman better. Not only are Mormon women equal to men, but we have specific and important roles in our families, church congregations, and communities. I’ve compiled a list of my eight favorite places to be as a Mormon woman. I think you’ll find that I’m not so different from you.

1. The park

I love to visit the park. Especially when the weather cooperates, I love to take my son outside and let him play. I often meet up with friends and their children. This socializing is welcome, because while I certainly love being a stay-at-home mom, sometimes I crave some quality conversation with adults. Occasionally, though, I take a walk through the park by myself. This allows me to take in the beauty of God’s creations and express gratitude for the beautiful world I live in. (more…)

Elder Edward Dube – Church of Jesus Christ First Quorum of Seventy Member

Elder Edward Dube – Church of Jesus Christ First Quorum of Seventy Member

Edward Dube was born on 12 May 1962 in Chirumanzu, Zimbabwe to Clement Dube and his wife, Rosemary.

He has been a General Authority of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 9inadvertently referred to as the Mormon Church by the media and others) since April 2013. He is the first Zimbabwean and the second Black African to serve as a General Authority.

The Influential Power of the Book of Mormon

Edward Dube with quote about missionaries.Elder Dube was a young man working as a servant in the home of Leaster Heath when he was given a copy of the Book of Mormon. Two years passed before he gained an interest in reading the Book of Mormon, but once he did, it made a tremendous impact on his life.

I remember sitting in a railway station and reading the book. I read it for a very long time that day. To me, what was touching was the Prophet Joseph Smith’s testimony, when he related his experience with Moroni’s visitation to him. I would be reading in the middle of the book and go back to the introduction and just read that part. [1] (more…)

Father’s Day: Mormon Dads Do the Dishes

Father’s Day: Mormon Dads Do the Dishes

I remember one time when my siblings and I were growing up that my mom asked my brother (who was probably ten or so at the time) to help with the dinner dishes. He responded with “No, that’s woman’s work!” My mom, however, wasn’t the one who set my brother straight—it was my dad. My dad was the first to step in and tell my brother A father holding one child and walking with the other and a quote from Ezra Benson about fatherhood.that his comment was not only disrespectful, but it also didn’t reflect our values as a family. In our family, no one was exempt from dish duty, man, woman, or child.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often inadvertently referred to as the Mormon Church) shares these values. Husbands and wives are intended to work together and share the load, even when it means washing dishes.

Roles within the Family

God designed men and women with specific purpose and endowed men and women with specific talents and responsibilities. In an official statement issued by Church leaders in 1995, we learn that “by divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children” (The Family: A Proclamation to the World). (more…)

Importance of Marriage and Family Stressed in Recent Study

Importance of Marriage and Family Stressed in Recent Study

According to a recently released study, Utah has the highest rate of “family belonging” in the United States. The high ranking could be attributed in part to the dense population of Mormon families in the state. The study also found that it would be an “error of historical proportions” if a state neglected the importance of marriage and family intactness.

Mormon FamilyThe health of the family is a priority for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, often mistakenly called Mormons. In 1995, the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ issued “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” a declaration detailing the eternal nature of the family and the responsibilities of family members. Mormon families strive to fulfill the responsibilities outlined in this proclamation, including one that applies to this study: “Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity.” (more…)

Reflections on the 2012 Pew Forum Study – Mormons in America – Marriage and Family

Reflections on the 2012 Pew Forum Study – Mormons in America – Marriage and Family

We have all heard the statement “proof is in the pudding.” In a recent survey by the Pew Research Center Forum on Religion & Public Life, ‘Mormons in America,’ many great topics were addressed and a better understanding gained of what Mormons think about those topics. The Deseret News has taken a look at this research and has created a five part series discussing different aspects of the survey. In their piece “New Pew survey reinforces Mormon’s top goals of family, marriage” they take a deeper dive into the findings surrounding these critical beliefs of those who are Mormon.

Mormon family Pew studyThe article references a very important statistic that was found through the Pew survey, “81 percent of Mormons say being a good parent is ‘one of the most important things in life.’” I guess from one perspective you could ask the question, based on what Mormons are taught about the role and importance of families, why this number is not 100%… but 81 is a good number. There are probably a number of reasons that number is not higher which may lead to some good follow-up research. (more…)

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