Mormon Tabernacle Choir Launches a YouTube Channel

Mormon Tabernacle Choir Launches a YouTube Channel

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (mistakenly called the “Mormon Church”) has a world famous choir, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, that just launched their own YouTube channel! This is exciting for Mormon members, and friends of other faiths alike—bringing the beautiful music to the world, in a much greater capacity.

The announcement of this historic event for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir took place in the Conference Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, and was streamed live for their 250,000 Facebook fans in a multimedia presentation where high school and college choral students attended. (more…)

Mormon Music: I Will Follow God’s Plan

Mormon children are often taught their faith through music, which has been shown to help teachings enter a child’s heart in a way spoken words cannot. The songs they sing on Sundays at church and at home teach basic gospel principles that can help the children learn to live their faith. These songs often come to their minds when they have choices to make about how to live their lives.

“I Will Follow God’s Plan for Me” teaches children that God has a plan for their lives and that choosing to follow it will bring them happiness in this life and in the next life. The song was originally called “I Can Follow God’s Plan for Me.” In the October General Conference, a world-wide meeting for Mormons, the international president of the children’s auxiliary,  Michaelene P. Grassli, explained that “can” was changed to “will” to reflect the commitment they wanted children to make to living as God wants them to live. Knowing you can do something is not the same as actually doing it.

In this lovely hymn, children learn that their very lives were a choice, a gift from God who loves us and who cherishes our right to make choices for ourselves—not consequence-free choices, but choices. Mormons teach that after God created our spirits, He allowed us to live with Him for a while in spirit form. We learned about God and His plan for us and built a personal relationship with Him by being in His presence and learning from Him. He was able to observe our choices and our growth. We decided how important God really was to us and how much faith we had in His plan. (more…)

Mormon Tabernacle Choir Members are Musical Missionaries

Mormon Tabernacle Choir Members are Musical Missionaries

 by Mike Taylor

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Many members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly known as Mormons) are called as missionaries. Members of the world-famous Mormon Tabernacle Choir and The Orchestra At Temple Square are all volunteer missionaries. They are called to bear their testimonies of the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world, and are blessed in their callings.

My sweet sister, Susan, was a member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir for twenty years. She volunteered to become a member of that group and traveled the world. Once while the choir was on tour she fell and seriously cut her leg. Elder Russell M. Nelson, a physician who was also an Apostle of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was on tour with the choir at that time and was able to stitch up the gash. She was able to continue on the tour. She said that she had many spiritual experiences come to her as she sang in the choir. (more…)

David Archuleta: Questions/Answers with Mormon Singer

David Archuleta, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (inadvertently called by friends of other faiths, the “Mormon Church”), is a young well known young pop singer-songwriter. He has been singing since the age of six but had to stop for awhile because of a vocal paralisis. He says that he’s almost recovered from that now. Eventually made it into the 2007-2008 American Idol competition, and went on to gain the runner up position.

In this video David Archuleta talks about his favorite Church hymn, his favorite primary song, his favorite songs to sing, as well as reflections on the opportunity he had to sing in a Christmas concert with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. He also talks about some of his favorite songs to listen to, and about what it has been like since he has become more well known. (more…)

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