Brigham Young University (BYU) is operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, often mistakenly called the “Mormon Church.” As part of their undergraduate coursework, BYU students take multiple semesters of spiritually uplifting, stimulating religion classes.
Here, in this column, students enrolled in scripture study classes have shared their thoughts, insights, and reflections on the New Testament and gospel of Jesus Christ in the form of letters to someone they know. In publishing these, we fulfill their desire to witness to all of us of the relevance, power, and beauty of the New Testament, and God’s plan of happiness for each of us. We invite you to take a look at their epiphanies and discoveries as they delve into the scriptures. Let us know how these may help you in your own life. Share them with a friend.
About Mormons: Christ’s Spiritual Wealth
Letter to Writer’s Mother
Last week in my New Testament class, we talked about Second Corinthians. My professor so perfectly titled the book of Second Corinthians the “great exchange.” I had read it so many times before but never seen this huge overarching principle that he made so obvious as we studied it in class.
In chapter 4verse 17 we read that we essentially trade light affliction for a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. What an unfair trade! To think that I experience my little daily problems so that one day I can be exalted is such a humbling thought it brings the trials that I have faced recently into a much more eternal perspective, and consequently makes me almost happy to to go through my trials.
If someone asked me to pay $100 for a car that was worth $50,000, I would honestly be happy to pay the $100, because I would know that what I was getting out of it was worth a great deal more than what I was putting in. The same thing applies here. Understanding this principle makes me more than willing to pay the price for salvation. There are a couple of other verses in the book of Second Corinthians that also talk about this great exchange. In chapter 8 verse 9 we read that Christ was rich and became poor for us so that we could be made rich through his poverty. So essentially, I am poor and Christ is rich and He trades me His wealth for my poverty. It makes me realize just how much I don’t deserve what I receive from my Savior.
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