Hello, once again! This week we finished up Hebrews and read through the epistle of James. I have a few scriptures that I want to share, so we’ll just jump right in.
First, Hebrews 13:5 stuck out to me. It states: “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” There are two parts to this scripture that applied to me in different ways. The first was about our conversations and being content. I touched on this subject in my last post, but sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the “give me, give me, give me” phase. I know that I’ve gone through this a lot since I’ve been here in college. It’s very easy to compare yourself to a friend who seems to have it all and be very down on yourself. At least, for me, I felt that I was inferior and not as good as others because of my clothes, interests and field of study. However, this scripture states that the exact opposite is true. We should forget these earthly cares because we have the best gift of all: the Atonement. Our Savior’s love is infinite, and it doesn’t matter what car we drive, if we can afford to go out to eat, or if we get asked out on dates—the Savior loves us all the same.
The second part of this scripture was the simple phrase: “I will never leave thee.” WE are the ones who turn our backs on the Lord and wander away—it’s never the other way around. However, no matter how many times we turn our backs on the Savior, He will never forsake us and will accept us in His loving arms. How fantastically terrific is THAT?!
The second scripture that I’ll share briefly is found in James 1:8. It simply states: “A double minded man in unstable in all of his ways.” You can’t be a hypocrite and truly be happy. I encourage you if you find your priorities or mind-set to be somewhat double-minded, to sit back and find out what truly matters to you. It is this thing that you should affirm as true and set your mind on. That way the temptations of the world won’t faze you, because YOU know it’s true for you, and that is good enough.
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