Even just 50 years ago, pornography was something you had to actively search for. Today, salacious and inappropriate images and content will find you. Contrary to what the world may say, pornography is addictive and destructive. Not only does pornography destroy the users spirit, but in so many cases it destroys family relationships as well. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often inadvertently referred to as the Mormon church) has taken a decided stand against pornography and has gone so far as to create a website dedicated to both the prevention of and the recovery from pornography.[1]
Prevention and Recovery
While certainly The Church of Jesus Christ believes that prevention is the best way to deal with pornography and its addictive properties, the church is also very aware that many of its members do indeed struggle with pornography. This new website, titled “Overcoming Pornography through the Atonement of Jesus Christ” (found at overcomingpornography.org), has resources to help with both prevention and recovery.
The website encourages individuals to seek guidance from God in media choices, stay connected to family members, and use technology wisely and cautiously. Parents are instructed to create open and honest lines of communication between them and each of their children. Working to prevent pornography addiction does not mean burying your head in the ground and pretending that pornography doesn’t exist. What prevention does do is to establish trust and safety within the family so that children can go to their parents with any questions or concerns they have.
The new website also gives steps for individuals and families for recovery from pornography addictions. The processes outlined focus on the Savior and the redemption He offers through His grace. Both individuals and families are encouraged to first turn to Jesus Christ and proceed with Him by your side. The recovery suggestions include gathering a support system, seeking ecclesiastical help, and fasting and prayer.
The Church of Jesus Christ recognizes that pornography is a real problem not only in the world but also among its own members, and it’s seeking to extend compassion, understanding, and hope to those struggling.
Focusing on Jesus Christ
“Overcoming Pornography through the Atonement of Jesus Christ” focuses on directing people to Jesus Christ. The information presented does not claim to be scientific or academic (though there is plenty of scientific evidence supporting the destructiveness of pornography). This website draws upon doctrine to prevent and treat pornography habits.
The Church of Jesus Christ, however, does not discourage seeking professional help. The church and its leaders fully understand and support the resources and tools made available by professional counseling and treatment. The Church of Jesus Christ supports its members in seeking all professional medical help available to them.
Openness is Crucial in the Family
In dealing with pornography prevention and recovery, cultivating a spirit of openness is crucial. Pornography addiction thrives in secrecy, compelling users to feel shameful and unloveable. By establish clear and open communication in the family, both parents and children can find security in safe and trusting relationships.
Parents need to teach their children about sexuality before the world does. By acknowledging that pornography is a very real and dangerous threat, families empower themselves to successfully combat it.
Taking a Stand
The Church of Jesus Christ is taking the offensive on pornography by creating resources for its members to actively use. Pornography not only thrives on secrecy with the user, but also in the world. By opening discussion on the issue, The Church of Jesus Christ is raising both awareness and protection. By standing against pornography, The Church of Jesus Christ is also taking a stand for the family.
Charlotte Wilson
Charlotte graduated from Brigham Young University with a bachelor's degree in English, with an emphasis in editing. During her education she interned with the Neal A.Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, BYU Publications, and the New Era magazine. Charlotte currently lives in Portland, Oregon, with her husband and son. She's a stay-at-home-mom and has been able to keep up her writing through maintaining a personal blog (smallandtrivial.blogspot.com).