Reflections on Pew’s ‘Mormons in America’ Study
In a world where we often are looking for answers to big questions, we search long and hard to find our results. In business for example, companies will spend millions of dollars doing research to find out why their competitors are doing better than they are, or one department will accuse another department of not doing their part and that is why there was failure. When all is said and done, more often than not, the answers are usually found in our own backyard, so to speak.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) has been a global religion for a number of years now. Even though it is the fourth-largest religion in the United States, many here in America are just now starting to understand what it is the ‘Mormons’ believe. Ironically enough, those that are of the LDS faith are now being put in a position to more clearly understand their faith so when they are questioned, they can respond with genuineness and correctness. With the amount of attention that ‘Mormons’ are receiving, in large part because of the political landscape and very deliberate branding campaigns by the Church, getting a better understanding of the ‘Mormons’ is a very hot and trending activity. (more…)