Mormon Journal Keeping

Mormon Journal Keeping

When I was a young man, about ten years old, I was enamored with the Book of Mormon.  One of the defining features of the Book of Mormon is that the ancient prophets and warriors wrote records on metal plates. Actually, the Book of Mormon is a translation of some of those records.  (See Exodus 28:36; Exodus 39:30; Mosiah 28:11; Mosiah 8:9.)

I was at a book store and I saw a small pocket-sized book with a seal and a key.  I did not want my parents or my pesky brothers or sisters reading my record.  I also fancied myself as a secret agent. I was intrigued at making my own secret ink and made a pen with a quill from a crow’s feather. I even carved a stylus with my pocket knife and made plates of clay, but it did not work out so well, because they broke, and besides it was hard work. The “key idea” resonated with me, because it was so easy. I did not know the process was called journaling. For me it was just something fun to do.  In those days only girls kept diaries, the idea of a “diary” seemed effeminate, but record keeping (journaling) was fascinating and manly. (more…)

How Mormons Cook

How Mormons Cook

Does a culture determine what kind of food you eat? Of course it does! For many members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes mistakenly called the “Mormon Church”) there is a certain way of cooking, a certain culture.

Mormons celebrate ThanksgivingWhen Mormons gather together for parties, celebrations, funerals, etc. there is usually  food.  At these functions, people sign up to bring various dishes, sometimes with prescribed recipes, and other times “pot luck.” Typically the way it is organized is that when somebody signs up for an assignment they bring a lot of what ever they signed up for, be it a salad, main dish, dessert, or whatever (this idea makes my family dinners a lot less stressful on my parents when they host for their kids and grandkids)!   Because Mormons tend to have large families, many recipes are family-oriented, things the kids will like, and easy on the budget.  Many Mormons use whole grains and other healthy ingredients, and food they have stored for emergencies. (more…)

Mormon Tabernacle Choir Launches a YouTube Channel

Mormon Tabernacle Choir Launches a YouTube Channel

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (mistakenly called the “Mormon Church”) has a world famous choir, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, that just launched their own YouTube channel! This is exciting for Mormon members, and friends of other faiths alike—bringing the beautiful music to the world, in a much greater capacity.

The announcement of this historic event for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir took place in the Conference Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, and was streamed live for their 250,000 Facebook fans in a multimedia presentation where high school and college choral students attended. (more…)

Mormon Daily Reminders

Mormon Daily Reminders

I’ve been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes mistakenly called the “Mormon Church”) all my life.  Sometimes I’ve been part of a true minority, but now I live in Salt Lake City.  I work as the content manager for a new website that will build and strengthen families throughout the world. I’m inexperienced, but full of passion for the work – and grateful every day that I get to be a part of it.

As a single girl, living in a big city, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by my career, keeping up with friends and family, trying to date, paying bills, and getting everything done that I need to—when time always seems so short. The reminders that tug on my time are reflections of the hard work and dedication I put into the jobs and responsibilities that I love, the faith I chose to live, and the person I want to be.

In fact, sometimes life feels like a constant barrage of reminders. (more…)

President Uchtdorf Recipient of Top German Award

President Uchtdorf Recipient of Top German Award

It’s not unusual for President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, second counselor in the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon or LDS) to talk lovingly of his homeland, Germany. But when he was presented the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany on October 30, 2012, he was surprised and humbled to “receive this unexpected distinction.”

Dieter F. Uchtdorf Mormon pilotThe award is the only federal decoration of Germany. It is given as a tribute to those who have achieved exceptional accomplishments of service, charitable work and distinctive social, political and scientific contributions.

German Consul General Dr. Bernd Fischer presented the award and praised President Uchtdorf for his lifetime of service and leadership, according to an article in the Deseret News. (more…)

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