The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often inadvertently called the Mormon Church) was restored in the United States, but has since spread to the whole world. The Church of Jesus Christ has a presence on almost every continent and seeks to influence the world for good. Its leaders and members seek out opportunities to serve communities, reach out to those in need, and share its message of hope and faith. [1]
The Church of Jesus Christ Donates to the Community
Some humanitarian service is headed up by the official Humanitarian Services department of The Church of Jesus Christ. Recently the Humanitarian Services donated large kitchen equipment—including stoves, ovens, and freezers—to an orphanage in Snyatyn, a town in southern Ukraine. With this equipment the orphanage can better prepare healthy meals for the children.
Members of the Church of Jesus Christ don’t need the official Humanitarian Services department to give back to their communities, however. Church members in the Jinja district of Uganda recently rounded up footballs (what Americans call soccer balls) to donate to the Federation of Uganda Football Association. The giving of the donation was done in conjunction with the kickoff of the annual Presidential Under-16 Cup. The Church of Jesus Christ has offered loyal support to this organization, and this relationship is a great way for Ugandan Church members to involve themselves in their community.
The Federation of Uganda Football Association is not the only Ugandan organization to appreciate the presence of The Church of Jesus Christ. Political leaders in Uganda issued official thanks to The Church of Jesus Christ for its contributions that improve the lives of Ugandans. Among other contributions in Uganda, The Church of Jesus Christ has improved child nutrition, the water systems, and religious tolerance.
The Church of Jesus Christ Reaches Out to Share Its Message
In 2008, The Church of Jesus Christ announced the building of a temple in Rome, Italy, an announcement that was met with much excitement from Church members. The temple construction is well underway, and Church leaders are eager to involve Roman leader in the project. Gianni Alemanno and Cristiano Conelli, the Roman mayor and presidenty of the IV Municipality of Rome respectively, were invited to tour the temple site last April. Mayor Alemanno was especially impressed with the high construction standards The Church of Jesus Christ has for its temples. The Rome Italy Temple is designed to make a minimal impact on the environment and has systems engaged to handle water consumption and electrical production.
Church members in the Dominican Republic made an effort to share its values with the community. Taking inspiration from “Mormonads,” visuals that depict moral values and wholesome living, these Church members created an art gallery showcasing values like faith, self-esteem, health, service to others, modesty, obedience, honesty, self-confidence, patience, and courtesy. Started in 2011, the gallery has seen more than 38,000 visitors. The gallery is marketed to children and teenagers, but can be appreciated by anyone. The goal of the gallery is to empower its visitors to face the challenges of life with faith and courage.
The Church of Jesus Christ Impacts Those Around the World
Spreading the message of the gospel is an important mission of The Church of Jesus Christ, but it’s not the only aim. The Church of Jesus Christ places high priority on serving whenever and wherever it can. Church members seek to contribute to their communities and to build up those around them, regardless of whether the message of Christ is being verbally spread. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ strive to live by example and spread good wherever they are.
Charlotte Wilson
Charlotte graduated from Brigham Young University with a bachelor's degree in English, with an emphasis in editing. During her education she interned with the Neal A.Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, BYU Publications, and the New Era magazine. Charlotte currently lives in Portland, Oregon, with her husband and son. She's a stay-at-home-mom and has been able to keep up her writing through maintaining a personal blog (