A new, fresh sound has arrived on the music scene. The music group consists of four vocal artists from the Rocky Mountains – McKay Crockett (Sandy Utah), Keith Evans (originally of San Francisco, California), Joseph Moore (Littleton, Colorado), and Ross Welch (Cody, Wyoming) – who are collectively known as Hudson Lights. Together they create “a fresh fusion of contemporary pop and jazz like you’ve never heard before.” [1] Their self-titled CD “Hudson Lights” containing 11 songs debuted in November 2013 and features “classic covers of legends like Frank Sinatra and The Beatles along with two original songs.” [1] Their single “Good to Me” was released on iTunes in September.
Filling a Void in the Music Scene
Bob Ahlander, director of music at Shadow Mountain Records commented, “I have looked for something like this for the past 2-3 years. There simply isn’t another group like them anywhere. They bring classic four-part harmonies back to mainstream music in a way that is fresh and engaging. I am super excited about the possibilities.” [1]
One of the songs that is featured on their debut CD is the cover of a U2 song called “Beautiful Day” which you can listen to below.
Music Anyone Can Listen To and Appreciate
In deciding what the name of the group would be, one of the group members, Keith Evans said, “We needed to think of the music first and then the name would follow.” [2] He went on to say, “The image we came up with is the smooth, cool waters of the Hudson River and just across, the enchanting lights of the New York City skyline at night.” [2] Thus the name – Hudson Lights.
The thing that makes the music of Hudson Lights so special is that it is clean and family-friendly. Even though the guys who make up the group are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (inadvertently referred to as the “Mormon” Church by the media and others), the sound that they produce is not your typical LDS Sunday music. They are able to blend their voices in melodious harmony as they sing renditions of upbeat, non-religious songs with a positive message, thus making their music appealing to both the LDS and non-LDS listening audience.
Keith L. Brown
Keith L. Brown is a convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, having been born and raised Baptist. He was studying to be a Baptist minister at the time of his conversion to the LDS faith. He was baptized on 10 March 1998 in Reykjavik, Iceland while serving on active duty in the United States Navy in Keflavic, Iceland. He currently serves as the First Assistant to the High Priest Group for the Annapolis, Maryland Ward. He is a 30-year honorably retired United States Navy Veteran.