Recently The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also inadvertently called the Mormon Church) shared its humanitarian aid efforts at a United Nations briefing on February 27, 2014. The briefing, one in a United Nations series called “Focus on Faith,” highlights Nongovernmental Organizations’ (NGO) impact around the world. LDS Charities, which is the humanitarian branch of the Church, garnered NGO status from the United Nations several years ago. In 2013, LDS Charities provided $84 million aiding nearly two million people in 130 countries.
Latter-day Saint Church representative Sharon Eubank, director of LDS Charities, said
To care for the poor is a foundational duty of anyone who reveres God and the brother and sisterhood of all — to serve, lift, bless, and relieve suffering independent of religious persuasions, social philosophy, nationality, tribe, gender or background.
[LDS Charities] emphasizes dignity, human worth, cooperation, unity, sacrifice, and the assurance that no one is too poor or too vulnerable or too marginalized to contribute something of value.
LDS Charities is unique in that it is entirely self-funded from donations, the distribution force is labor based, and it partners with other charitable organizations.
7 Initiatives of LDS Charities
1. Clean Water
LDS Charities provides wells and drinking systems for communities without access to clean water. The Church volunteers show local water committees how to maintain the water systems and provide community training on hygiene. Since 2002, LDS Charities has enabled over 7.5 million people to gain access to clean water.
A Thousand Days
2. Neonatal Resuscitation
Since 2002, LDS Charities has trained 193,000 medical professionals “Helping Babies Breathe” to help resuscitate newborns born with breathing difficulties.
A Child’s First Breath
3. Mobility Assistance
LDS Charities works with local organizations to evaluate individual’s needs to provide the most appropriate assistance. Since 2002, over 415,000 people have received mobility devices.
Riqui’s Wheelchair
4. Vision Care
LDS Charities provides supplies, equipment, and training to eye professionals improving eye care quality in local communities. Since 2003, over 550,000 have participated in LDS Charities’ vision projects.
World of Happiness
5. Food
LDS Charities provides tools and gardening, storage, and nutritional training for families struggling to obtain food.
A Desolate Land Blossoms
6. Emergency Response
LDS Charities provides relief of food and other supplies immediately after a disaster.
LDS Charities Syrian Response 2013
7. Immunizations
LDS Charities provides local volunteers to immunize people worldwide. Since 2003, 59,000 volunteers assisted in immunization campaigns in 35 countries.
Church Works Toward World Goal to Eliminate Preventable Diseases article
To learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint’s humanitarian mission and aid, visit:
Delisa Hargrove
I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have moved 64 times and have not tired of experiencing this beautiful earth! I love the people, languages, histories/anthropologies, & especially religious cultures of the world. My life long passion is the study & searching out of religious symbolism, specifically related to ancient & modern temples. My husband Anthony and I love our bulldog Stig, adventures, traveling, movies, motorcycling, and time with friends and family.