Mormon Values: Agency and Accountability

Mormon Values: Agency and Accountability

Mormon PrayerYour Heavenly Father has given you agency, the ability to choose right from wrong and to act for yourself. You have been given the Holy Ghost to help you know good from evil. While you are here on earth, you are being proven to see if you will use your agency to show your love for God by keeping His commandments.

While you are free to choose for yourself, you are not free to choose the consequences of your actions (see 2 Nephi 2:27). When you make a choice, you will receive the consequences of that choice. The consequences may not be immediate, but they will always follow, for good or bad. Wrong choices delay your progression and lead to heartache and misery. Right choices lead to happiness and eternal life. That is why it is so important for you to choose what is right throughout your life.


Mormon Christian Values: Tolerance

Mormon Christian Values: Tolerance

A living apostle of the Lord’s true Church (which as a friend of another faith, you may know as the “Mormon” Church but more accurately is The Church of Jesus Christof Latter-day Saints), spoke to the heart of our belief in Jesus Temple in Jerusalem mormontolerance and love, in a worldwide gathering of members and friends known as General Conference:

I have been impressed to speak on the subject of tolerance—a virtue much needed in our turbulent world. But in discussing this topic, we must recognize at the outset that there is a difference between  tolerance and tolerate. Your gracious tolerance for an individual does not grant him or her license to do wrong, nor does your tolerance obligate you to tolerate his or her misdeed. That distinction is fundamental to an understanding of this vital virtue.

About Mormon Beliefs: Virtue, Chastity

About Mormon Beliefs: Virtue, Chastity

This speaks for itself in regard to where Mormons, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints stand in terms of morality, virtue, abstinence before marriage and fidelity after. Mormons believe in marriage for time and eternity, and that the most sacred act of all is when we join with our spouse in procreation.

Wow! That was amazing! I’m not Mormon (Catholic) but you guys have summarized so wonderfully what devout Catholics hold so true.


About “Mormons”: Members of The Church of Jesus Christ

About “Mormons”: Members of The Church of Jesus Christ

Members of the Savior’s restored Church on the earth, nicknamed “Mormons” exist all over the world, and engage in diverse occupations, carry on entrepreneurial and educational pursuits of every kind, grow families, and contribute in communities in endless ways. They strive to be disciples of Jesus Christ are not a cult nor a mysterious sect. In the words of living, Christ-appointed, apostle in our own day, Elder Ballard:

Mormon Family posing in front of painting of Jesus Christ.A Latter-day Saint is quite an ordinary individual. We are now everywhere in the world, 14 million of us. This is only the beginning. We are taught to be in he world but not of the world (John 17:14-19). Therefore, we lie ordinary lives in ordinary families mixed in with the general population.


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