BYU Celebrates its 16th Year as the Most Stone Cold Sober University

Certain aspects of my college experience surprise people sometimes.  I attended a private university of my church – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint (often inadvertently called the “Mormon” church). I attended Brigham Young University-Idaho, and I will admit, there were a lot of unique features about my university years.

High Standards

As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ, I obey many commandments including abstaining from alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and any sexual relations outside of marriage.  This standard is upheld at the various church universities and adherence to an Honor Code set by the Church Board of Education is required to be accepted in order to stay in school. (more…)

A New Film in Mormon Temples

A New Film in Mormon Temples

During the first week of August I attended my local temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often inadvertently called the “Mormon” church), and got a beautiful surprise – there was a new film shown in the temple.  Apparently, I happened to attend the first morning the film was shown.

With increased attendance in the Temples of our God. You shall recieve increased personal revelation to bless your life as you bless those who have died - Ezra Taft BensonThe film was so beautiful.  It portrayed the exact same teachings and instruction as had the previous two films, which are part of what is called the temple “endowment”.  The film had been updated and it’s teachings struck at my heart – just as the things I learn in the temple always have.

I was surprised to feel slow silent tears slide down my cheeks at one point.  I felt a burning feeling of love in my heart – yet another confirmation from God in my life that what I was learning was true and that I belonged to God’s true Church. (more…)

A Mormon’s Helping Hands Reunites Oklahoma Storm Victims with Lost Photos

A Mormon’s Helping Hands Reunites Oklahoma Storm Victims with Lost Photos

Two boys stare up, beaming out of a small photo in a gold locket. A picture of a newborn – the baby’s tag reads “born March 2011”. An old black and white photo of a couple that seems to be set in the 50’s.  Photos of people she doesn’t know surround Brooke Porter, of Oklahoma, at home, and she is determined to find them.

Latter-day Saints Always Willing to Lend a Helping Hand

Brooke Porter volunteered in the Oklahoma tornado clean up with Mormn Helping Hands, the official community service program with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often inadvertently called the Mormon Church).

Through service to others we develop a Christlike love and we experience joy by Merril A. BatemanIn her characteristic yellow Helping Hands vest, Brooke joined fellow Church members in the clean up after the E-5 tornado in Oklahoma.  Digging through the debris, Brooke began to notice some personal items left behind, mostly pictures.  She volunteered herself to take home the hundreds of photographs she salvaged.  She has started a Facebook page and is manually scanning and photographing the personal items and pictures and uploading them to be claimed online. (more…)

More Mormon Talent From BYU

More Mormon Talent From BYU

Talented classical piano soloists are impressive and the best can have opportunities at competitions and perhaps even notoriety.   A performing classical piano duo – can be even more impressive.


Sandy Koufax throwing a pitch and also a quote from him.Brigham Young University has a great legacy of producing interesting talent and Hilary Heideman Mauler and Tiffany Winkel Delgado are no different.

Playing piano their entire lives, the two pianists never thought they would be performing and winning piano competitions with someone else. explains the difference between “duos” and duets:

“A duo is…different from a duet, in which both pianists play on the same instrument. As a duo, they each have their own piano, with the instruments nested so they face one another while playing.” (more…)

The “I’m a Mormon” Campaign Launches in the U.K.

The “I’m a Mormon” Campaign Launches in the U.K.

Liza Morong, a student in Boston, joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, often inadvertently called the Mormon Church, in an unusual way.  On her profile on,  Liza explains how she lives her faith:

Boston is filled with individuals from all walks of life and I strive every day to find ways to help others. I serve in my ward as a Ward Missionary. This calling is so rewarding to me, as it gives me so many opportunities to share the amazing Gospel with others. Everyday I pray for missionary opportunities and strive to live the example the gospel provides…I know that by living my faith with courage and charity in my heart, I can be an example to others.

Notepad and pen with a quote about motivation from Henry Eyring.Liza joined The Church of Jesus Christ  when she went to see the controversial and inaccurate Broadway musical, “The Book of Mormon.”

Deseret News reports,

With her interest piqued, Morong, who was raised Congregationalist, found herself on the official website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,, simply to continue her amusement with this seemingly bizarre faith. When she found a link for a live chat with missionaries, Morong felt like she had hit the jackpot. But what she found wasn’t what she expected.

It was when she started chatting with Elder Trevor Boardman, a missionary in the referral center at the Missionary Training Center in Provo, that everything changed. [1] (more…)

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