Search for True Gospel Leads to Conversion

Search for True Gospel Leads to Conversion

In 1978, and nearly two years into their marriage, my mother and step-father felt a void in their lives. They had decided eating out for Sunday brunch and shopping with their only child wasn’t the best way to spend the Sabbath day. Both had grown up in different...

LDS Senator Teaches About Mormonism

LDS Senator Teaches About Mormonism

Orrin Hatch has written a new book to help people understand Mormonism. It is not an official Mormon resource, so any information in it should be verified by searching However, it is a look at Mormonism through the eyes of an ordinary member. Hatch, a senator...

Manti Te’o – Mormon at a Catholic University

Manti Te’o – Mormon at a Catholic University

Manti Malietau Louis Te’o, (born January 26, 1991) a linebacker for the University of Notre Dame, is the son of Brian and Ottilia Te'o. Siblings include sisters BrieAnne, Tiare, Eden and Maya and one brother, Manasseh. He is of Samoan descent but grew up on the island...

Sandy Hook Elementary – Letting Go is the Hardest Part

Sandy Hook Elementary – Letting Go is the Hardest Part

Grief is an individual thing. It must have its deep days; it will not be short-changed and it cannot be designed by another. It takes up residence and is resistant to leave. Letting go is the hardest part. How do you let go of that last goodbye or unrealized dreams of...

The Mormon Moment: Did it Change Anything?

The Mormon Moment: Did it Change Anything?

During the years of the U.S. presidential campaign and especially during 2012 Mormons and Mormonism were constantly in the news, for better or for worse.  Certainly, Mitt Romney was (and is) a stellar example of what Mormonism (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day...

Are Mormons Saved?

It’s always a challenge for Mormons when someone asks them if they are saved. The answer isn’t a simple yes or no, because Mormons don’t believe you can be saved by saying the right words and being done with it. It is a life-long event for Mormons, and so they might...

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