Mormon Hymns: I Believe in Christ

Mormon Hymns: I Believe in Christ

Elder Bruce R. McConkie, a Mormon Apostle, wrote the poem “I Believe in Christ” which he recited in 1972 as part of his General Conference address. The poem is the basis for the beautiful Mormon hymn which bears the same title. Elder McConkie requested that noted organist, John Longhurst compose an original hymn using his poem. In his final public testimony he testified of the Savior of whom the poem and subsequent hymn were written, and spoke of one day soon, seeing Him face to face.  He had cancer and had been given just two months to live, but managed to live fourteen months more, although very ill during it, because he knew there were things God still wanted him to do. Despite an enormous amount of pain, he continued to do the work of the Lord. After surgery, he said, “I am quite overwhelmed by deep feelings of thanksgiving and rejoicing for the goodness of the Lord to me. He has permitted me to suffer pain, feel anxiety, and taste his healing power.” (Ensign, May 1984, p. 32.)

Bruce R. McConkie giving final Mormon testimonyHe told his wife he was going to give a talk about Jesus Christ at the next General Conference. General Conference is held twice a year and gives Mormons a chance to hear from their church leaders. His wife was concerned because he was so ill. His doctors were afraid that if he tried to give the talk, he would collapse right there on television. However, he was insistent and gave the talk without incidence. He died just fourteen days later, having delivered a powerful testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ: (more…)



Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes called the “Mormon Church” by friends of other faiths) are often referred to as “Mormons.” I am a Mormon. And I am a regular, every day young adult.

What is an average day like in the life of a Mormon?

Mormon youth playing basketballThe average day for a Mormon is just like their respected peers. In America, where I live, the average day consists of going to work, spending time with family, finding someway to serve a friend or loved one, doing regular household chores, etc. For instance, today I have: read my scriptures, exercised, eaten food, done some laundry, eaten more food (including some really yummy frozen grapes!).  Later I will be going shopping, and then tonight I will spend time with my wonderful family! A pretty ordinary day, but wonderful nonetheless. (more…)

Mormon Missionaries

Mormon Missionaries

by Dallin

mormon-missionaries-teachingMembers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often misnamed Mormons) believe that God is the father of all of our spirits. Each of us lived with God, our Heavenly Father, before we were born. Paul wrote, “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God” (Romans 8:16). We are all spiritual children of God and are, therefore, brothers and sisters to each other. This is what Mormon missionaries go out to the world to teach.

One reason Latter-day Saints (“Mormons”) build temples is to help each of us, the children of God, to commune with our Heavenly Father and to ultimately qualify ourselves to return to Him after this life. Mormons believe that we can speak to God through prayer and that He answers those prayers by communicating feelings to our hearts and thoughts to our minds, as well as through the actions of others. The reality of our relationship with God and our ability to speak with Him as our Father are two major messages The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints shares with the world, sometimes through Mormon missionaries. (more…)

Mitt Romney’s Mormon Charity

Mitt Romney’s Mormon Charity

By Dallin.

mormon-titheIt’s not often that you’ll find the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post and CNN simultaneously and very suddenly begin publishing dozens of articles on a common and largely uncontroversial religious practice. Yet, as Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign released tax records showing Romney’s participation in paying tithing, these and other news outlets have been buzzing with explanations and possible implications. Everyone seems to want to know what tithing is and why it is so important to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, sometimes nicknamed “Mormons.”

The answers to those questions are in the Old Testament. Mormons join Jews and fellow Christians in their belief that the teachings and doctrines in this great book are the word of God. (more…)

Watch a Sincere Testimony of Jesus Christ

Eric, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (inadvertently called “Mormon Church” by friends of other faiths) shares his testimony of the Savior, how he gained that testimony, and how he continues to strengthen that testimony of Jesus Christ. Watch Eric’s video below: (more…)

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