Alex Sharpe Places Higher Priority on Family than Career

Alex Sharpe Places Higher Priority on Family than Career

Alex Sharpe’s whole life has been full of music and performing. Sharpe kicked off her career playing the role of Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz in a production in Dublin, Ireland, where she grew up. From there her musical theater career blossomed. She was eventually asked to play Eponine in Les Miserables with the Cameron Mackintosh Company in England.

Sharpe’s love of music, however, doesn’t come from musical theater or Broadway, but rather from hymns. Sharpe’s mother was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (inadvertently referred to as the “Mormon Church) when Sharpe was just a baby. So she grew up singing for services in Church and learning lovely, spiritual hymns. Throughout her sparkling music career, Sharpe has never forgotten where she first found her love of music–in worshipping Jesus Christ.

alexsharpe-celticwoman-mormonmom (more…)

A Mormon Widow Among Marrieds:  Feeling Whole and Supported

A Mormon Widow Among Marrieds: Feeling Whole and Supported

One of the wonderful benefits of being part of a ward (congregation) in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (“Mormon Church”) is that you have “family” even when your real family may be far away.  Such was the case when I became a widow at the age of 27.  My three children were 4 months, 2 years, and 4 years old.

Mormon MotherhoodNot long after my husband’s death, I determined to move to another city.  While kneeling in prayer one morning, I had the distinct impression—like a voice in my head—which simply said, “Stay here.”  I was startled by that admonishment, because it was not a choice that I wanted to consider.  But, oh how many times in the ensuing years I reaped the blessings of listening to that prompting to stay!

My foremost desire for my children, as well as for myself, was to be involved with other families in the ward.   We were a family unit and felt very much a part of the ward family as we attended all calendared events.  At the time I had no desire to find my own fulfillment in activities for singles.  I was puzzled at the attitude of a widow a bit older than I who one day said to me, “I’ve never been invited to any event.”  I could have replied, “Nor have I.  I just went.”  It is a credit to my ward that I never perceived myself as an outsider. (more…)

New Mormon Website Tackles Pornography Addiction

New Mormon Website Tackles Pornography Addiction

Even just 50 years ago, pornography was something you had to actively search for. Today, salacious and inappropriate images and content will find you. Contrary to what the world may say, pornography is addictive and destructive. Not only does pornography destroy the users spirit, but in so many cases it destroys family relationships as well. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often inadvertently referred to as the Mormon church) has taken a decided stand against pornography and has gone so far as to create a website dedicated to both the prevention of and the recovery from pornography.[1]

Prevention and Recovery

I testify to you that your body, mind and spirit can be transformed, cleansed and made whole and you will be freen - M Russel BallardWhile certainly The Church of Jesus Christ believes that prevention is the best way to deal with pornography and its addictive properties, the church is also very aware that many of its members do indeed struggle with pornography. This new website, titled “Overcoming Pornography through the Atonement of Jesus Christ” (found at, has resources to help with both prevention and recovery. (more…)

Mormons: Investing in Parenthood

Mormons: Investing in Parenthood

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (a faith often inadvertently referred to as the Mormon church) are subject to many stereotypes. One of the biggest assumptions about Mormons is that they have large families. Many Mormon parents have seven, eight, even ten children, sometimes more. While having large families isn’t part of Mormon dogma, bearing and raising children is. In a statement issued by the late church president Gordon B. Hinckley in 1995, he states, “The family is central to to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children. . . . God’s commandment for His children to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force” (“The Family: A Proclamation to the World”).

Apart from this dramatic statement, church leadership leaves family planning to the discretion of each individual family unit. The fact that Mormons are known for their families is significant: Mormons value children and investing in parenthood.[1]

Families Are Forever

When you come to the Temple you will love your family with deeper love than you have ever felt before, the temple is about families - Richard H. WinkelOne of the key doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ centers on the family. Mormons believe that sacred ordinances performed in the temple can ensure eternal families. Mormon men and women are encouraged to prepare themselves for the temple, which isn’t open to the general public as the chapel meetinghouses are. Temples are reserved for sacred ordinances that prepare us for the eternities. One of the most significant ceremonies performed in temples is the sealing ceremony. A sealing is the term Mormons use for a temple wedding. These ordinances are different from civil weddings because the officiants’ authority does not extend through just this life. Men and women sealed together are married for time and all eternity. No civil officiant has the power to extend a marriage beyond death. Eternal marriage is unique to The Church of Jesus Christ and essential for eternal families. (more…)

California’s Young Mother of the Year is a Mormon Convert

California’s Young Mother of the Year is a Mormon Convert

American Mothers, Inc. named Stephanie Williams McKnight the 2013 California Mother of the Year. At 25, Stephanie is the youngest mother to ever win the award. Stephanie’s age isn’t the only thing that makes her unique, however; she’s also a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (a faith often inadvertently referred to as the Mormon church). Stephanie wasn’t always a Mormon, though. She joined The Church of Jesus Christ when she was 21 and had to dive in head first. [1] 

Stephanie McKnight Was Already Preparing for a Family

Stephanie Williams McKnight's Mormon FamilyEven before her membership in The Church of Jesus Christ, Stephanie was preparing her life for a family. She pushed through college at California State University-San Bernardino, working and taking more than the recommended credit hours, to graduate with her master’s in education degree at age 22. While she was completing her formal education, she was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ when she was 21. “[School] was a very busy time,” she says. “Looking back, I see that it was a total prompting from the Spirit to get me in the right place at the right time.” (more…)

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