A Mormon Widow Among Marrieds:  Feeling Whole and Supported

A Mormon Widow Among Marrieds: Feeling Whole and Supported

One of the wonderful benefits of being part of a ward (congregation) in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (“Mormon Church”) is that you have “family” even when your real family may be far away.  Such was the case when I became a widow at the age of 27.  My three children were 4 months, 2 years, and 4 years old.

Mormon MotherhoodNot long after my husband’s death, I determined to move to another city.  While kneeling in prayer one morning, I had the distinct impression—like a voice in my head—which simply said, “Stay here.”  I was startled by that admonishment, because it was not a choice that I wanted to consider.  But, oh how many times in the ensuing years I reaped the blessings of listening to that prompting to stay!

My foremost desire for my children, as well as for myself, was to be involved with other families in the ward.   We were a family unit and felt very much a part of the ward family as we attended all calendared events.  At the time I had no desire to find my own fulfillment in activities for singles.  I was puzzled at the attitude of a widow a bit older than I who one day said to me, “I’ve never been invited to any event.”  I could have replied, “Nor have I.  I just went.”  It is a credit to my ward that I never perceived myself as an outsider. (more…)

LDS Views: Eight Favorite Places I Love to Visit as a Mormon Woman

LDS Views: Eight Favorite Places I Love to Visit as a Mormon Woman

Like many people, I have a bucket list of places I’d like to visit before I die. I also have a list of places I like to visit now. Some places on my list are unique to me and my personality. I can connect at least eight of them to my heritage or my life as a Mormon woman. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often inadvertently called the Mormon Church). These eight places are loved at least in part because the gospel of Jesus Christ has helped me learn to love them. Jesus often used the everyday, common objects and occurrences of life to teach his parables. My favorite eight places are listed (but not ranked) below.

Faith, Family and Relief three simple words have come to express the vision of prophets for sisters in the Church - Julie B. BeckFabric Stores. Sewing is in my blood. My maternal great-grandmother, Karen, learned the dressmaking and men’s tailoring trades from her father when she was raised in Denmark. She taught her daughter Elsie (my grandmother) to sew. My grandmother, who was mother to nine daughters and four sons, made clothes for each of her children. My mother also learned to sew and taught me basic skills as I grew up. She required me to take a sewing class in high school. I loved to explore the stacks of fabric that she stored in one of her bedroom closets. She regularly let me pick fabric from her stash to make clothes for my dolls or myself. I also loved sifting through her large tin of buttons. (more…)

California’s Young Mother of the Year is a Mormon Convert

California’s Young Mother of the Year is a Mormon Convert

American Mothers, Inc. named Stephanie Williams McKnight the 2013 California Mother of the Year. At 25, Stephanie is the youngest mother to ever win the award. Stephanie’s age isn’t the only thing that makes her unique, however; she’s also a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (a faith often inadvertently referred to as the Mormon church). Stephanie wasn’t always a Mormon, though. She joined The Church of Jesus Christ when she was 21 and had to dive in head first. [1] 

Stephanie McKnight Was Already Preparing for a Family

Stephanie Williams McKnight's Mormon FamilyEven before her membership in The Church of Jesus Christ, Stephanie was preparing her life for a family. She pushed through college at California State University-San Bernardino, working and taking more than the recommended credit hours, to graduate with her master’s in education degree at age 22. While she was completing her formal education, she was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ when she was 21. “[School] was a very busy time,” she says. “Looking back, I see that it was a total prompting from the Spirit to get me in the right place at the right time.” (more…)

LDS Views: 8 Favorite Places I Love to Visit as a Mormon Woman

I am a Mormon woman. That means that I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (a faith often inadvertently referred to as the Mormon church). I’ve been a Mormon my whole life, and now that I’m an adult, I find even more joy and fulfillment in my faith in Jesus Christ. The role of women in The Church of Jesus Christ is often misunderstood, so I’d like to give you an opportunity to get to know a Mormon woman better. Not only are Mormon women equal to men, but we have specific and important roles in our families, church congregations, and communities. I’ve compiled a list of my eight favorite places to be as a Mormon woman. I think you’ll find that I’m not so different from you.

1. The park

I love to visit the park. Especially when the weather cooperates, I love to take my son outside and let him play. I often meet up with friends and their children. This socializing is welcome, because while I certainly love being a stay-at-home mom, sometimes I crave some quality conversation with adults. Occasionally, though, I take a walk through the park by myself. This allows me to take in the beauty of God’s creations and express gratitude for the beautiful world I live in. (more…)

Female Mormon Leaders Discuss Mormon Women

Female Mormon Leaders Discuss Mormon Women

The three most powerful women in Mormon leadership came together recently to speak openly about their roles as leaders in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, whose members are sometimes called Mormons. They spoke about what it means to be a Mormon woman, particularly one with great leadership responsibility, and about how they felt the Church treats female leaders.

From the beginning, Lucifer has worked with a vengeance to distort the very definition of womanhood... - Sheri Dew

Mormon Women Serve at all Levels in The Church of Jesus Christ

The women head up the Relief Society, which is the official organization for Mormon women, the Young Women’s program for teen girls, and the Primary, which is for children. Their positions, like all positions in the Church, are served without pay, but unlike most, are full-time for a number of years. These are not meant to be lifelong callings. Each woman has two counselors and a secretary to assist her. The president of the Young Women’s organization, Sister Dalton, has been released since the interview occurred. (more…)

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