Jett Atwood and Stephen Carter, the writer artist team responsible for iPlates: Volume I, a Book of Mormon themed comic book, will now be producing a second volume. The two recently met their Kickstarter goal for iPlates: Volume II. The first comic book which is available on Amazon tells the story of Abinadi and King Noah. The story stays true to details from The Book of Mormon, and expands the story with fictional story lines that help build and explore motivations within the story.
Encouragement for Young Book of Mormon Readers
iPlates: Volume I is rendered in beautiful comic book style drawings, as will the second volume. The second volume will continue where the previous story left off, with Alma in the wilderness deciding what to do now that King Noah’s court is falling. The second volume plans to add more female characters to the story. Carter explained that part of his motivation in expanding the stories was because “I want it to be the most natural thing in the world for my daughter to imagine females as a part the Book of Mormon. I want to her to think of those women as intelligent, strong, and motivated.” [1]
While the base goal for the comic book has already been reached, Carter and Atwood need to raise $16,000 in order to produce the comic book in full color, a goal they have not yet met.
Alternative media, such as this, have the ability to interest young readers in the stories and characters in The Book of Mormon, and to send those readers to the original source to learn more.
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