Utah Has the Lowest Rate of Unwed Moms

Utah Has the Lowest Rate of Unwed Moms

Utah’s percentage of babies who are born to unwed mothers ranks lowest in the nation—just 14.7 percent, according to recent census estimates. In 2011, 35.7 percent of U.S. babies were born to unwed moms—continuing a trend that began in the 1940s. But as for Utah, “situation normal,” said Pam Perlich, a University of Utah research economist. “The biggest driver here is Mormon culture, for sure.” [1]

Roses and wedding bands with quote about treating things special from F. Burton Howard.President Gordon B. Hinckley, the late president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, sometimes inadvertently called the Mormon Church, said:

We believe in chastity before marriage and total fidelity after marriage. That sums it up. That is the way to happiness in living. That is the way to satisfaction. It brings peace to the heart and peace to the home. [2] (more…)

Top Teacher in Nation Award Presented to LDS Woman

Top Teacher in Nation Award Presented to LDS Woman

When Suzette Steward was nominated for the national “Top Teacher Award” in conjunction with the Live With Kelly and Michael morning show, it was obvious she made a big impact on those around her.   The award the result of a nationwide search of public and private schools from Pre-K through 12th grade; the Top Teacher program aims to honor teachers who make a difference in and out of the classroom.

An Exemplary Teacher

A teacher with two students and a quote about influence from Sheri Dew.Written by Lisa Clements and placed on the show’s website, the submission about Suzette is sincere and telling:

Suzette is a unique, awesome, amazing person, teacher and friend. She grew up in the Katy area and returned after college to interact and teach our “special” kids. She teaches Special Education Kids at the Junior High School during school hours, but it doesn’t stop there. (more…)

More Mormon Talent From BYU

More Mormon Talent From BYU

Talented classical piano soloists are impressive and the best can have opportunities at competitions and perhaps even notoriety.   A performing classical piano duo – can be even more impressive.


Sandy Koufax throwing a pitch and also a quote from him.Brigham Young University has a great legacy of producing interesting talent and Hilary Heideman Mauler and Tiffany Winkel Delgado are no different.

Playing piano their entire lives, the two pianists never thought they would be performing and winning piano competitions with someone else.

Thespectrum.com explains the difference between “duos” and duets:

“A duo is…different from a duet, in which both pianists play on the same instrument. As a duo, they each have their own piano, with the instruments nested so they face one another while playing.” (more…)

She’s a Mormon Because She’s a Feminist

She’s a Mormon Because She’s a Feminist

Valerie Hudson Cassler is a feminist—and “as a feminist, I remain a steadfast member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” sometimes inadvertently called the Mormon Church. Hudson Cassler, who converted to The Church of Jesus Christ from Roman Catholicism, writes, “How remarkable and in some senses ironic it still seems to me to have experienced ‘women’s lib’ by conversion to Mormonism!”

Men and Women are Equal Before God

 Hudson Cassler shares what she believes are “the main points of doctrine that make Mormonism the most feminist of all the Christianities.”

 “The Restored Gospel teaches that the term ‘God’ means an exalted woman and an exalted man married in the new and everlasting covenant (Doctrine and Covenants 132:19-20—the Doctrine and Covenants is a book of modern revelation). We are taught that there is no God without men and women loving each other as equals. …” (more…)

Mormon Reflections on the Word: Without Sail or Anchor

Mormon Reflections on the Word: Without Sail or Anchor

The people of the Book of Mormon teach us many important lessons through their experiences. One of the purposes of the Book of Mormon is to help us discover and learn from the mistakes of these people in ancient America.

In Mormon 5:18, the fallen Nephite people teach us a very important lesson. They show us that when we forsake God and neglect to follow His commandments, we fall under Satan’s power. When we fall under Satan’s power, we have no foundation or guiding light. Satan does not love his followers. He does not care about their lives nor does he try to guide them like our loving Heavenly Father does. The path of wickedness is one of loneliness and confusion.

Mormon Young Single Adults Choose the RightWhen the Nephites decided not to follow God’s commandments, they made the decision to take this path. The scriptures say they became “as a vessel…without sail or anchor, or without anything wherewith to steer her.” Choosing wickedness meant giving up their rights to surety and the power to direct their lives. So it is with us today. Satan persuades people to choose wickedness by advertising ideas of absolute freedom and self-government with no rules or restrictions. But this is false advertising. When we choose Satan’s way, we choose the way of bondage and unhappiness. We choose to be tied down with guilt, loneliness and, often, addictive behaviors. (more…)

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