

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes called the “Mormon Church” by friends of other faiths) are often referred to as “Mormons.” I am a Mormon. And I am a regular, every day young adult.

What is an average day like in the life of a Mormon?

Mormon youth playing basketballThe average day for a Mormon is just like their respected peers. In America, where I live, the average day consists of going to work, spending time with family, finding someway to serve a friend or loved one, doing regular household chores, etc. For instance, today I have: read my scriptures, exercised, eaten food, done some laundry, eaten more food (including some really yummy frozen grapes!).  Later I will be going shopping, and then tonight I will spend time with my wonderful family! A pretty ordinary day, but wonderful nonetheless. (more…)

Mormon Missionaries

Mormon Missionaries

by Dallin

mormon-missionaries-teachingMembers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often misnamed Mormons) believe that God is the father of all of our spirits. Each of us lived with God, our Heavenly Father, before we were born. Paul wrote, “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God” (Romans 8:16). We are all spiritual children of God and are, therefore, brothers and sisters to each other. This is what Mormon missionaries go out to the world to teach.

One reason Latter-day Saints (“Mormons”) build temples is to help each of us, the children of God, to commune with our Heavenly Father and to ultimately qualify ourselves to return to Him after this life. Mormons believe that we can speak to God through prayer and that He answers those prayers by communicating feelings to our hearts and thoughts to our minds, as well as through the actions of others. The reality of our relationship with God and our ability to speak with Him as our Father are two major messages The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints shares with the world, sometimes through Mormon missionaries. (more…)

Mormon Beliefs: Living frugally

Mormon Beliefs: Living frugally

Mormon Beliefs: Living Frugally, Being Prepared, and Avoiding Debt

Mormon beliefs; frugality

Living frugally is not a strictly Mormon belief or concept, but it is one that is heavily stressed and taught within the Mormon culture and is included in several instructional books for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (inadvertently called the Mormon church by friends of other faiths). Members who follow the advice and counsel of church leadership to live frugally are often considered thrifty and prepared.

A big part of frugal living is emergency preparedness, and there are often seminars, classes, and activities dedicated to learning how to prepare 72-hour kits and food storage. Such preparedness offers peace-of-mind should there ever be a natural disaster, and we believe it is also an important part of preparing for the second coming of Jesus Christ. However, this isn’t the only benefit. Such preparations leave members prepared to handle smaller personal “disasters” such as facing unemployment in these hard economic times. My parents went through a short period in which my father was unemployed between jobs, and they became heavily reliant on their year supply of food storage. (more…)

Reflections on Pew’s ‘Mormons in America’ Study

Reflections on Pew’s ‘Mormons in America’ Study

In a world where we often are looking for answers to big questions, we search long and hard to find our results. In business for example, companies will spend millions of dollars doing research to find out why their competitors are doing better than they are, or one department will accuse another department of not doing their part and that is why there was failure. When all is said and done, more often than not, the answers are usually found in our own backyard, so to speak.

Mormons in America Pew ForumThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) has been a global religion for a number of years now.  Even though it is the fourth-largest religion in the United States,  many here in America are just now starting to understand what it is the ‘Mormons’ believe. Ironically enough, those that are of the LDS faith are now being put in a position to more clearly understand their faith so when they are questioned, they can respond with genuineness and correctness. With the amount of attention that ‘Mormons’ are receiving, in large part because of the political landscape and very deliberate branding campaigns by the Church, getting a better understanding of the ‘Mormons’ is a very hot and trending activity. (more…)

LDS religious commitment high, Pew survey finds

LDS religious commitment high, Pew survey finds

Of all the numbers in the Pew Research Center’s recently released survey of “Mormons in America,” the highest, most overwhelming numbers are these: 98 percent of respondents said they believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and 97 percent say their church is a Christian religion.

   Pew Study: Mormon Beliefs, Religious CommitmentThis comes on the heels of earlier surveys indicating that 32 percent of non-LDS U.S. adults say the LDS Church is not a Christian religion, and an additional 17 percent are unsure of LDS Christianity. The theological and semantic reasons for this can be complex, but for the 1,019 self-identified Mormons who participated in the Pew survey, their theological position is clear: Mormons believe in Jesus Christ, and they consider themselves to be Christian. (more…)

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