Former Mormon Missionary Rallies Philippine Relief Efforts

Former Mormon Missionary Rallies Philippine Relief Efforts

At the beginning of November 2013, raging Typhoon Haiyan devastated the Philippine islands. By the end of the month, the death toll rose above 5,500, with the numbers continuing to rise. The Philippines hasn’t ever seen destruction like this. Many people around the world may see the storm footage and say to themselves, “Gee, that’s too bad. I wish we could do something.” Miles Bell, however, owner of Dave’s Auto Center in Layton and Centerville, Utah, decided to do something more.[1]

Opening Up Shop

Miles Bell MormonBell is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (a faith often inadvertently referred to as the Mormon Church) and served his full-time mission in the Philippines. Thanks to social media, Bell is able to stay in touch with many of the people he served in that country. So when Typhoon Haiyan ravaged the islands, Bell was devastated.

Instead of wishing he could do something to help, Bell took action. He decided to open up his auto shop on a day when they were usually closed. All labor proceeds that day were donated to relief efforts in the Philippines. Customers came in for repairs both big and small and were asked to donate at least $50, regardless of the repair. During the fundraiser, customers were also allowed to bring in their own parts or to purchase the needed parts wholesale. (more…)

Classifieds Site Attracts Mormons All over Utah

Live in Utah and need a used car? Or a new car? Or an apartment contract? What about a couch? You can search and find all of these things on, Utah’s top-ranked site for classifieds. sources half of all used-car sales for Murdock’s Automotive Group’s largest Hyundai stores around Salt Lake City. is akin to a giant local Craigslist and came from the Salt Lake NBC affiliate, owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often inadvertently referred to as the Mormon Church). Users of the site can find anything from farm equipment to apartment listings to kitchen appliances. In Utah, if you’re ever in need of something–especially something for a good deal–checking is one of the first things to do.[1] (more…)

5 Things Mormons Are Most Thankful For

5 Things Mormons Are Most Thankful For

Mormons in America love Thanksgiving. (And Mormons in other parts of the world also celebrate any national holidays centered on gratitude.) Thanksgiving is a time where Mormons gather with friends and family to make pies and roast turkey and drink Martinellis. It’s a time where they unite with their country in giving thanks for all they have. Mormons are thankful for the usual good fortunes, and they also give thanks for some unique blessings that come only through The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often inadvertently referred to as the Mormon Church).

1.  Eternal Families

San Salvador LDS TempleOne of the most central doctrines to The Church of Jesus Christ is that families can be together forever. This possibility for families demonstrates much about Mormons and what they do and teach. Families can become eternal families through special ordinances performed in temples. Temples are houses of special worship open only to worthy members. This discretion is not because temple ceremonies are secret, but because they are sacred. In temples Mormon couples can be sealed for eternity, meaning that their marriage and family will be bound together even after physical death. This is such a great blessing to God’s children. (more…)

5 Reasons Why God Is Present Even in the Storm

5 Reasons Why God Is Present Even in the Storm

Why do bad things happen to good people? It’s probably the oldest question in the book, and no one really has a good answer. In a world where children get cancer, where college students are abducted, where marriages dissolve, and where typhoons rage across archipelagos, it’s easy to wonder where God is in all those sorrows. If God encompasses everything good, why is this world full of so many bad things?

1. Perfect truth in an imperfect world

Yes, God is perfect. He’s perfectly good. This world, however, and the people in it, are not perfect. When God sent us here, He gave us our moral agency – the ability to choose between right and wrong. This means that He won’t ever interfere with someone’s right to choose, even if that choice is a harmful one. Sometimes we make choices that may be right for us individually, but that may still hurt others (like breaking off a relationship).

Natural Disaster Eartquake MormonThis earth is also imperfect. This means that natural disasters are par for the course: earthquakes, hurricanes, wildfires, floods, tsunamis, and typhoons. In the Bible God sometimes used natural disasters to wipe out wickedness, but there’s no way we can make those judgments now. Our job is simply to prepare as much as we can, and give as much as we can in time, money, and supplies to those who need it. (more…)

New Mormon Website Tackles Pornography Addiction

New Mormon Website Tackles Pornography Addiction

Even just 50 years ago, pornography was something you had to actively search for. Today, salacious and inappropriate images and content will find you. Contrary to what the world may say, pornography is addictive and destructive. Not only does pornography destroy the users spirit, but in so many cases it destroys family relationships as well. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often inadvertently referred to as the Mormon church) has taken a decided stand against pornography and has gone so far as to create a website dedicated to both the prevention of and the recovery from pornography.[1]

Prevention and Recovery

I testify to you that your body, mind and spirit can be transformed, cleansed and made whole and you will be freen - M Russel BallardWhile certainly The Church of Jesus Christ believes that prevention is the best way to deal with pornography and its addictive properties, the church is also very aware that many of its members do indeed struggle with pornography. This new website, titled “Overcoming Pornography through the Atonement of Jesus Christ” (found at, has resources to help with both prevention and recovery. (more…)

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